
A recursive dot-styled defaultdict to read and write deeply-nested trees

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Installing easytree is simple with pip:

pip install easytree

Simply import easytree and create nested dict nodes on the fly using the dot notation

>>> import easytree

>>> tree = easytree.dict()
>>> tree.foo.bar.baz = "Hello world!"
>>> tree
    "foo": {
        "bar": {
            "baz": "Hello world!"

Or use a list method such as append to dynamically cast a new node as a list

>>> tree = easytree.dict()
>>> tree.foo.bar.baz.append("Hello world!")
>>> tree
    "foo": {
        "bar": {
            "baz": ["Hello world!"]

Find out more about what easytree can do on the Getting Started page.

Table of contents#